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Lost days, pictures fade.
I've shifted!
Saturday, November 21, 2009



Thursday, November 12, 2009

alrite! hey ppl! so i shall just tok bout 2dae's bowling! HAHA!
had lots of fun. met vickraam at the busstop near mac.
Thn waited outside mac for joey and aiman. waited for
quite some time thn finally they came. so thn we
walk to super bowl. thn got our lane which was
lane 25. played for awhile thn the ppl ask us
move to lane 28. so move thn continued
playing. so eventually Aiman got 1st.
2nd was vick, 3rd was me last was
Joey. chiobu lor she! hehe! thn
after tht we slack at superbowl
haha! thn went to mac orh.
go mac still dk wad to buy.
thn finally joey and aiman
went to buy food. thn we
toktok! thn later go back
superbowl coz joey want
change for RC. thn this
aiman and vick go play the
shooting game lor.haha! till
2+ joey was late. so thn got
wet. waited for 154. thn took it
went home. now using lapppy(:
anyW. i wanna watch 2012!
hahas k gtg
wanna watch momo love(:

A fun day 0ut
Sunday, November 8, 2009

missing all 6c3'08 and 1C'09 sia..haizz so yesterday couldnt go for sch open hse coz muz go for some prayers. was so boring. but yet i still had a little fun playing with the kids there..LOL msg ppl thn bout 3++ went home.thn go home eat, after eating i went to bathe to get ready to go to shuqun. so went to busstop met don inside bus 98. reach shuqun there thn the gate lock. i tot of climbing. how dumb(?)
thn spencer went to check if main gate was open, indeed it was..STUPID us.thn got in met jiaxin and may. go say HI to teachers. thn ms lau came. Fadzly and I helped out for the bbq pit along with some teachers and the scouts. our hands damn black! MUAHAHA! ms lau mummy, u not experience larh! HAHA..chey. ILOVEHER lah! mummy u rox! k by thn, spencer, jiaxin,may and don came back from shop they bought drinks: coke, sprite and cherry! hehes! thn later pizza came! Mummy ordered pizza leyh! juz for us and mummy and mum-MsNava
but i not sure if mum eat leh. so after we eat, we continued helping out for the bbq, thn spen, don, jiaxin and me go to the parade square go do sth stupid with matchsticks haha! after tht, go shop thn we bought 3 boxes of candles and lighter. LOL.came back schhol, go the field there and played with candles and fire. tokk pics but i lazy upload uh. go see jiaxin blog and fadzly's, got upload(:
so yeah tht was our *mini campfire*LOL. after tht go parade sq played truth or dare! LOL! i was dared to hug spencer for 10secs, atleast ok hor(: thn got other weird stuff..spencer squeezed don's NIPPLE! roflmao! thn hmm, we dared spencer by letting him say ILOVEYOU to some1 from my contact list..guess who? Vanessa! muahahah! k thn after tht we slacked awhile. thn the *real campfire* started. but sad thing was tht may went home liao lorh.HAISH.thn we sit opp the brownies and scouts. cheering for thm lorh! we vry supportive and MAD! thn mummy ask us to go lead thm into singing some songs. so basically, not tht good lah, vry not hyper type seh they all..so we muz shout shout..haiz! thn we tried singing 7 ABRAHAM tht son..didnt work, LOL. thn we sing the MY SIDE song..LOL..muz shake butt! HAHA..so enjoy lorh. gonggong jiaxin! instead of leading go play with a 2 yr old baby!! -.-! so till 9.40 lyk tht leave lor. fadzly walked home while don ask us take his dad car. so take lor. don daddy drop spencer home 1st thn me thn jiaxin. so got home go bathe thn msg mummy and mum say thanks! LOL thn msg other ppl till midnight ++ go sleep lorh!
okay so 2dae! quite funn bah(?) morning did nth at home, thn went to birdPark coz daddy got free ticket. so y waste?? thn go except for my bro, he go watch movie.-.- thn go there and saw many birds..haha! so see see thn go home lorh. after bathe talk otp with fadzly and spencer thn now posting..so gtg! bobye..!!oh ya! btw .....
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESLYN HSU YUAN TING! *hope correct chinese name!*and also
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MRS SIVA!! love u all!!<3>


back after camp
Sunday, November 1, 2009

haizz k sec1 induction camp is finally over!! hooray!kinda suffered but actually most important thing was tht i learn lots of stuff from tht camp and oso had loads of fun! played games..during night walk had so much fun. ! covered with water, startch and toothpaste!! isnt tht juz AWESOME??! ok so tht was the 1st day. reporting was 1t and already had scolding. thn later was DC. we girls got alot of scolding so did the boys. ok after DC, played games. had many stations. 1st station was sth to do with twister game. i represented my grp and nvr fall! WEE! k my grp name....DC COMICS WONDERWOMAN PRINCESS DIANA OF THEMYSARA. long rite? but easy to remember. k after played most of the stations, thn got some other stuff..thn was dinner..spicy lyk wad.! was eating in class 3/5 with ony sec1s. sec2 go for the streaming tok.
so thn got 1 part where me hermaine and joey went to toilet after eating. thn i saw a baby lizard nerar joey! told her.. she scream thn chermaine thn me.! so we ran out of the toilet screaming running bck to class..was total dark.thn aiman wanted go toilet..saw us running and rna back to class..he tot we saw ghost! HAHAHA! we laugh lyk siao outside class. ok....thn talent time scream lyk hell..thn nightr walk thn PA..got scolded agian..thn debrief from teachers and sec1 coods..standard from sec1s not good! disappoint our seniors..k thn go slp.. morning kenna scolded..thn blahs..k thn later played games again..thn stand by bunk! all girls cried..was reli tough..! k thn lunch..ok my name was change b4 lunch..became SAZZAD! muahahahah lunch was better thn dinner the day b4. after lunch change to pe again. got games held by sec2s..ok uh water games baically so had fun!! was soaked!!!!omg....thn go change thn went out of the bunk got redi for whislte to blow...so once whistle blow..we rush go canteen..greeted sirs & ma'ams. thn blahblahss...CAMP OVER!!!! wohoo! so cannot go KFC coz raining..darn...k went home and rested..btw got back my report books..2nd in both class and level..i deprove..not hapi with marks! haha kaes..i vry lazy type liao..sowie post vry long..



2 more days!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

school's gonna end
not very happy bout it D:
Gonna miss everyone. And
Im not reli sure if i'm gonna go express.
Its like im both hearted D:
What shld i do???Confuse:2 more days for sch to close.

Monday was Promotion/Retention Day
No school. But had to go
For some councillor camp prep. thingy.
Felt lazy actually. so once got to sch.
Got into my grp. No sec1 boys at all.
so actually my grp consists of:
Me,Ahila,Ilouisse*ps if spell wrong*,
Well i think thts all. So left at 3
with chermaine. took bus alone.
k thn fiqah got on the bus. both headed to Jp.
met fadzly at mr bean dere thn go in.
1st when to KFC they wanted to eat.
but i already ate with renuga and chermaine at kfc
near school. So juz drank pepsi with fiq and zly.
thn went to this fashion to find sth for may.
Unfortunately, We nvr buy anything.LOL
So slack here and there till 5, sent fiqah to
meet her dad, she muz go doctor.
so after she left, fadzly and I slack here and there.
walk2! thn we go minitoons, i buy the sweets thingy.
we both shared. thn saw Joey,Yiling and Jiayang.
Said HI to them thn tok2. thn parted.
so till 5.30 was slacking with fadzly.
thn go home, at night, tok on the phone with,
fiqah & fadzly 1st.thn we added Jiaxin into the conference.
And thn May. WOAH! so confusing sia!
thn put down phone and went to eat.
after eat thn blahs, thn go sleep.

Yesterday was indeed great fun!
Went to school, tot gonna be boring,
thn go for assembly, thn mr nor said we gonna have
"AmazingRace" with sec2A and 2B. so was o..okay
Thn went back class, Mr wan tok some important stuff.
Thn go change, slack with,Jiaxin,shimei&chermaine.
We tok kraps..And shimei said TONATO instead of Tornado..-.-
dumbo la she.HAHAS. thn went panel room
got briefing bout the race tingy. thn played a bonding game
called caterpillar..LOL so sian sia! thn left to
go around the neighborhood. weijie and me run lyk siao..
challenging each other lyk tht. thn once reach the 1st station..
played a game..junwei was feeling sick..so he rest there. rest continued.
thn go to other stations.thn it started raining when we at the Cc
took out or ponchos and wear it.Junwei met us there again.
thn we go scare elydia! damn fun lor.thn when we going to
JLP make her scream lyk HELL!
weijie was wearing a white poncho and walking with her.
So i was infront with junwei and noel.
I shout"OMG! elydia got pochong beside u!!"
I noe its lame but dang was SO AWESOME! she scream lyk siao!
thn weijie go scare her she scream. Noel scared her she scream.
And i keep bullying her saying got pochong here & there. LOL!
thn me and Nat-our faci plan to go scare her. and we did!
kool rite? haha! thn went to other stations at chinese garden and all.
Thn at 12 headed back to school. reach sch went toilet to wipe my leg. my whole shoe and my socks was wet! especially coz of those colorful pochong:
jun wei, noel, weijie. I was 1 of thm though.
keep splashing water at me. LOL
thn from the 1st floor toilet, all the way to panel room, i was barefooted!.
walked past 2 sec1s express clsses. guess they saw how i looked lyk.
coz my poncho was all torn and i was still wearing it! dumbo!
lyk beggar sia!!
thn walk past 2 sec2 classes and 1 sec3 class i think.HEHE.
thn go in panel room. start wearing my shoe.Yikes!
thn debriek and all. 115 sch end. go canteen rest
4 awhile. thn go 4 cca. left cca early
coz got camp prep. again!
me and agnes went, thn i practiced my reporting.
Gonna have sec1 induction camp for councillors. damn dead sia!
vry scary! darn..me gonna be i/c..rite?
haish, thn iyaddh *ps if spell rong*
explain to some of us bout some vry important stuff..
k skipskipskip~~~
ended at 6++ for me, joey ahila and illousie
jolin was with us. hehe
thn me joey and jolin walk out of sch thn walk back in.
go canteen sit for a little while. thn shaik call me go home with
him, syahmi all. so ok lor. walk with thm thn infront got the rugby seniors. darn
1 of thm keep bully me:( haha!
thn they go different way. so me,shaik, syahmi
and some guy nicknamed hamburger
went home. waited for 98..was sitting with syahmi
thn shaik and hamburger sit infront at the busstop.HAISH!
98 came, took it. shaik and syahmi sat upstair burger and me sit down.
thn i got down, went to 399 met bro and mum.
bought ice blended and went home. go home,slack outside.
msg vickraam!!. thn eat muumy make the burger..hehe!
after tht go bathe and on comp.
go eat and continued paying. off at 10++
thn i was feeling vry sick. flu damn bad. vry dizzy. so mum said dont go sch.

2dae is gonna be boring i guess..at home..
so yeah feeling so sick now. haizz..so posted and gonna end here. bobye!
missing sch now!


Sunday, October 25, 2009

im posting again!
so well,days pasting, vry vry bored don't u think?
Well, nth much to post! bobye!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

FUCKFUCKFUCK! haiz! my EOY marks! not up to my expectation! i dont feel proud of it! except for my art.. .... time A1 leh! 86/100 good rite? but my drawing totally sucks!
scored highest for biology only same as jiayang..27/33
so yeah rest not satisfied oso.
well cannot complain liao rie? its too late now..
now i kinda regret..haish. ok...i miss Miss Lau!
can still remember the phrase she always tells my whole p6 class,
u fail to prepare,prepare to fail
ok...so yeah, currently chatting with ppl
and toking on the phone with fadzly-so annoying!! haish
how i wish to kick his buttocks!
no offence uh dude!
omg! if he evr sees this i am so dead!
haha! well..gtg..still muz do ml journal and chem
rawr! gotta do chem myself! darn..
